Growart - Plant Growth Promoter


FAST TAG is natural Bio Stimulants. Forever is non toxic and safe to use. This is a all purpose plant food. Very economical than most other conventional fertilizers.

CROPS : Horticultural, Field, Vegetables and spice crops.

Humic acid 5% (Derived from Potassium humate), Filler QS 95%.

Direction for Use :
2.5 to 3 ml per liter of water and spray over the plant, give 2 to 3
sprays at flowering and fruit setting stage.
Spray 15 to 20 days interval.

Benefits :
Accelerating Germination.
Enhance seeding vigour & root growth.
Improves uptake & translocation of micro & macro-nutrients.
Induces early maturity.
Help plants to resist drought.
Resulting in higher yield and better quality of crops produce.

Storage and Disposal : Store out of Sunlight in a Cool, Dry Area. Inaccessible to Children or Pets.

Antidode : Non-hazardous material. Non-toxic if ingested, Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs. Avoid direct sunlight store in cool and dry area.