

As a natural plant immune regulator, it is used primarily as a natural seed treatment and plant growth enhancer, and as an ecologically friendly bio pesticide substance that boosts the innate ability of plants to defend themselves against fungal infections.

It can start and regulate the immunization of plants at gene level and induce anti-virus substance production.

It reduces and eliminates the infections of pathogenic agents especially against epiphytes, which are difficult to control.

It is non-toxic and, despite having biostatic and fungi static properties.

Toxicology :
Ld 50 in Rat & Mice : More than 5000 mg/kg. Slightly irritant to skin in rabbits.
No specific intervention is indicated as the compound is not likely to be hazardous.

ANTIDODE : Non-hazardous material. Non-toxic if ingested, Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs

Crops : All Crops
Product Features and Benefits : Preventive and curative action, long-losting control and also promotes plant growth, settings of flowers and fruits.

Application : :
Apply early morning or evening hours to increase the effect.
Spray the plant on both, upper and lower side of the leaves for total drenching of the plant.
Make application during early infestation.

Mix 2 - 2.5 ml in 1 lit water and spray on infected crops.
Use of power pump while spraying gives better results.