
MULTI MIX Organic Manure For All Crops

Natural NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) and other micro nutrients that are needed for better growth of plants and better yield of fruits and vegetables Improves plant root developmentand protects from nematodes.
It act as a natural fertilizer, soil conditioner, pest & insect repellent.
It enriches the soil and protect the plant due to its natural pesticide content.
It improves the soil texture hand increases the plant's productivity. As it is made of neem seeds.
It also protects the plants from getting affected by diseases.

Dosage :
In general 10 Kg of MULTIMIX Organic Manure per tree in Horticultural crop and 200-400 Kg. per hectare in other crop is recommended

Storage and Disposal :
Store out of Sunlight in a Cool, Dry Area. Inaccessible to Children or Pets.

Antidode : Non-hazardous material. Non-toxic if ingested, Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.

CROPS : Horticultural, Field, Vegetables and Spice