Growart - Plant Growth Promoter

It is a natural Bio Stimulants. Improving metabolic process.
Increasing the percentage of fruit setting, promoting fruits enlarging stimulates photosynthesis process, Improving cold and drought resistance.
It can resist fruit and flower dropping. It can be mixed and applied with acidic or natural pesticide. Supports nutritional demand and augments efficient utilization of available nutrients in soil for higher yield and quality.

CROPS : Horticultural, field, vegetables and spice crops.

Alginic acid 0.8% (Extracted from seaweed extract), Filler QS 99.2%.

Foliar Application Dosage :
2.5 to 3 ml per liter of water and spray over the plant, give 2 to 3 sprays at flowering and fruit setting stage.

Benefits :
Higher nutrient uptake
Better branching/tillering and increased foliage
Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.
Better development of grains/fruits.
Increase in the size and weight of the grains/fruits.
Higher yield and better quality of the produce.

ANTIDODE : Non-hazardous material. Non-toxic if ingested, Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs. Avoid direct sunlight store in cool and dry area.

Storage and Disposal : Store out of Sunlight in a Cool, Dry Area. Inaccessible to Children or Pets.